Nico Arcilla
President & Research Director
Nico Arcilla is an avian ecologist and conservation biologist with 25 years of experience leading research and conservation projects on birds and other wildlife in response to human impacts. She has worked in the Americas, Africa and Madagascar, Europe and the Middle East, and the Pacific and Caribbean islands, including positions with the Smithsonian Institution, Zoological Society of London, Drexel University, American Samoa Government, and the Crane Trust. She earned her BA from Yale University, MS from Cornell University, and PhD from the University of Georgia.
Shan Su
Parr Postdoctoral Fellow
Shan Su is a biologist with research interests in the pet and wildlife trade and biological invasions. At the University of Oxford, UK, she has conducted research on the links between trade in donkey skin for Traditional Chinese Medicine and wildlife trade between Africa, South America, and Asia. She earned her MSc in Conservation and Biodiversity at the University of Exeter, and her PhD at University College London, both in the UK, where she studied biological invasions driven by the bird trade in Taiwan. As Research Fellow, she facilitates IBCP research on wildlife trade and conservation. For more information:
Olivier Boissier
Rose Postdoctoral Fellow
Olivier Boissier was born with binoculars, and calls tropical rain forests home. He is a tropical ecologist and conservation biologist whose main interests are the impacts of habitat degradation and wildlife harvesting at the species and community level. His PhD research addressed the impacts of hunting and logging on rain forest frugivores and seed dispersal in the rain forests of French Guiana, and subsequent research examined the global consequences of the international wildlife trade. He earned his PhD in tropical ecology from the National Museum of Natural History and has an MS in conservation biology and MA in geopolitics from Ecole Normale Supérieure, all in Paris, France. As Rose Postdoctoral Fellow, he leads IBCP projects in Togo including investigating the abundance, distribution, and conservation of birds in protected areas in collaboration with the University of Lomé, Togo.
Benjamin Salazar
Tsamajain Indigenous Amazonia Fellow
Benjamín Salazar Samecash is a biologist who earned his BS and MSc degrees at the National University of San Marcos, Lima, and is an indigenous Awajún (Aguaruna-Jívaro) community member in Santa Maria de Nieva, Amazonas, Peru. His work focuses on indigenous knowledge of bird taxonomy, ecology and conservation.
His master’s thesis focused on indigenous systems of bird classification in titled Awajún communities on the Nieva river. For the past several years, he has been conducting the first scientific assessments of birds and their conservation status on the Nieva river in collaboration with members of the Awajún communities of Agkais, Ugkum, and Saasa. He is also documenting Awajún traditional stories about birds and other animals that relate to biodiversity conservation.
Kristen Rosamond
Graduate Research Associate
Kristen Rosamond is a PhD student at the University of Missouri-St. Louis where she is researching avian disease ecology. She earned her MS and BS degrees from Tulane University, during which she studied relationships between the morphology and foraging behaviors of warblers. Her interests include the ecology and conservation of birds, in particular shorebirds and seabirds, and scientific outreach and education. She has worked with IBCP on researching the responses of Neotropical songbirds, especially Dickcissels and Boboblinks, to climate and management variables in the North American Great Plains, including bison reintroduction. She has also investigated the ecology of differential migration, where birds of different sexes and ages exhibit different migration patterns, in shorebirds and one of their major predator species, Peregrine Falcons.
Samuel Boakye Yiadom
Graduate Research Fellow
Samuel is a master’s student in animal biology and conservation science at the University of Ghana, Legon. He earned his bachelor’s degree in wildlife management from Ghana’s University for Development Studies, where his research investigated the arrival time and habitat use of wintering Afro-Palearctic and Intra-African migratory birds and the effects of land use on birds in woodland-savannas in northern Ghana. Samuel has also assisted IBCP’s field research on vultures and other raptors in Ghana’s Mole National Park.
Sandra Goded
Liyanage Postdoctoral Fellow
Sandra Goded is a biologist whose main interests are bird, mammal and forest conservation worldwide. She earned her MSc at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and her PhD at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Her PhD research addressed the effects that intensive agriculture, deforestation, and Eucalyptus plantations have on biodiversity. Since 2007, she has worked to protect Spain’s Atlantic forests and biodiversity through her conservation NGO, Quercus Sonora.
As Liyanage Postdoctoral Fellow, she leads IBCP projects in Ghana including investigating the abundance, distribution, and conservation of African vultures, Afro-Palearctic migratory birds, and mammals in protected areas in collaboration with the Ghana Wildlife Division, and well as conducting conservation outreach and education.
Alex Glass
Graduate Research Associate
Alex Glass is a PhD candidate at Southern Illinois University, where he studies the ecology of grassland birds and their nest predators in restored prairies. He received his BA from Eckerd College in environmental studies, after which he worked as a field technician on avian research projects across the midwestern U.S., and served as an Environmental Education volunteer in Mexico with the Peace Corps.
He is broadly interested in avian and restoration ecology, and improving human land use actions to mitigate negative effects on bird communities. He works on IBCP projects in the Great Plains of North America and tropical forests of Peru.
Zébigou Kolani
Togo Conservation Partner
A farmer, public health officer, and member of the indigenous Moba and Mamprusi communities, Zébigou is based in the Savannes region of northern Togo. His wildlife research experience includes using constant-effort mist netting and camera traps to quantify rain forest birds and mammals in Ghana, and he is currently conducting vulture surveys in Togo. Zébigou organizes community tree planting and other restoration efforts and assists IBCP bird research, outreach, and partnerships in Togo and Ghana.
Victor Juep Bakuants
Peru Conservation Partner
A member of the Awajún indigenous people of Peru, Victor studied agricultural engineering at the National University of San Martin, Tarapoto, and the National University of Agraria de la Selva. He then pursued graduate studies in ecology and environmental management at the University of Ricardo Palma, Lima, and in the environment and sustainable development at the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Victor has 25 years of professional experience, primarily focused on development opportunities for his Awajún people and their knowledge in the forest environment. He currently serves as Director of the Communal Reserve of Chayu Nain, working with 11 Awajún communities adjacent to the reserve in the department of Amazonas, on behalf of the Peru’s National System of Natural Protected Areas. Victor facilitates and assists IBCP projects in Awajún territories and protected areas in Peru.
Yendoubouam Kourdjouak
Togo Conservation Partner
A member of the Moba indigenous people of Togo, Yendoubouam Kourdjouak studied zoology at the University of Lomé, Togo. Now based in Lomé where he is a successful entrepreneur, Yendoubouam facilitates and assists IBCP bird research, outreach, and partnerships in Togo, including in Fazao-Malfakassa National Park and Togodo Wildlife Reserve.
Nathaniel Annorbah
Ghana Conservation Partner
Nathaniel Annorbah is a conservation ecologist and faculty member at the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Management, the University for Development Studies, Ghana. He is a Joint Coordinator for the Africa Region of the International Ornithologists’ Union Working Group on Parrots. With 15 years of experience in biodiversity conservation and management, Nathaniel has worked with the Zoological Society of London in Ghana, researching the impacts of logging on forest birds, and with the Ghana Wildlife Society, researching Afro-Palaearctic migratory birds.
Prior to earning his PhD at the Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom, he earned BSc and MPhil degrees from the University of Ghana. His research interests include the conservation of Afro-Palaearctic migrant birds and population studies of large mammals, parrots, and vultures in national parks.
Nico Arcilla
Nico Arcilla is an avian ecologist and conservation biologist with 25 years of experience leading research and conservation projects on birds and other wildlife in response to human impacts. She has worked in the Americas, Africa and Madagascar, Europe and the Middle East, and the Pacific and Caribbean islands, including positions with the Smithsonian Institution, Zoological Society of London, American Samoa Government, Drexel University, and the Crane Trust. She earned her B.A. from Yale University, her M.S. from Cornell University, and PhD from the University of Georgia.
Colleen O'Brien Cherry
Colleen Cherry has 25 years of experience working in various international and domestic settings on cultural and conservation issues. Her academic background is interdisciplinary, including a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Geography, a Master of Science in Natural Resource Management, and a PhD in Environmental and Ecological Anthropology. Dr. Cherry uses this background to investigate culture change and its effect on the environment and health.
Traugott Lawler
Traugott Lawler is Professor Emeritus of English at Yale University. He is a specialist in Medieval English literature. He studied at Holy Cross, the University of Wisconsin, and Harvard, where he was awarded the PhD in 1966. He taught at Yale 1966-72, at Northwestern 1972-81, and at Yale again from 1981 until his retirement in 2005. At Yale he was Master of Ezra Stiles College 1986-95 and 2002-3. He is the author of The One and the Many in the Canterbury Tales(1981), one of the editors of the Riverside Chaucer, and editor of various other medieval English and Latin works. In recent years he has written extensively on Piers Plowman, and published volume 4 of The Penn Commentary on Piers Plowman in 2018. He has been married for over 60 years to Peggy Thormann Lawler, and they have four children and eight grandchildren. His mother taught him to know the birds and love them, and he always has.
Susan Dauphine
Susan Dauphine is a Judge of the Superior Court of the State of California, currently retired. She served as a judge in Monterey County for almost 16 years, presiding over juvenile, civil, criminal. and family law cases. Before that she practiced law for 23 years as a partner in a law firm in Monterey, California, and in Massachusetts and Minnesota. She is a cum laude graduate of Stanford University and Columbia School of Law. She also studied at the University of Guadalajara in Mexico and taught commercial law for 2 years to marines and sailors in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. She has been President of the Monterey County Bar Association and started a foundation as President to provide legal services to those in need. She’s served on numerous nonprofit Boards and is a member of Rotary International and International Women’s Forum.
She has explored the world in a lifelong search to understand its people and creatures and strongly believes our birds and other endangered species must be protected.
Lyn Gubser
Lyn Gubser is a specialist in interactive training with a background in higher education accreditation, research, and evaluation. He served as Dean and Professor of Education at Western Illinois University and Associate Dean for Research at the University of Arizona. He earned his PhD and MS at the University of Oregon, and his bachelor’s degree in zoology and Asian studies at Oregon State University. He has served on boards including the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Walt Disney's EPCOT Center, and the Cupp Foundation, and is presently active in urban forest rehabilitation and ecosystem degradation prevention.
Ola Svensson
Ola Svensson is a research engineer at Stockholm University with a specialization in marine environmental monitoring. He conducted his Master’s research on benthic invertebrate community responses to banana farming practices in Costa Rica, and spent three years in the Federated States of Micronesia working at the Micronesian Maritime and Fisheries Academy. He has a lifelong interest in nature, conservation, and international development.