The Beingolea Grant was established in 2020 by the Raptor Research Foundation to support original research and conservation of birds of prey in Latin America and the Caribbean, in honor of the pioneering Peruvian raptor researcher Oscar Beingolea.
Dr. Beatriz Miranzo of Argentina’s Center for the Study and Conservation of Raptors (CECARA) has has won the 2020 Beingolea Grant for her proposal to test the effectiveness of rescue ramps in water reservoirs in Argentina in order to reduce drowning mortality of Chaco Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) and other raptors in arid agricultural environments.
The Beingolea Grant Committee at the Raptor Research Foundation selected her proposal from applications submitted to the Raptor Research Foundation, and announced this award on December 8, 2020, at RRF’s virtual event, at which this photo was taken. We are excited to learn about the results of Dr. Miranzo's project in the coming year!
IBCP helped create this grant and is currently working with RRF to complete funding its endowment in perpetuity. To learn more or make a donation, please go to: