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IBCP rings in 2025 with Monterey Audubon and Mopane!

Writer's picture: IBCPIBCP

16 January, 2025

The cover of the 2025 Monterey Audubon Society calendar features a Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) photo by Dan Marks that was chosen by society members.

IBCP is pleased to continue our collaboration with Amanda Preece of the Monterey Audubon Society (MAS), and talented Monterey photographer Dan Marks to produce our third annual calendar featuring the beautiful birds of Monterey, California! With around 500 species, Monterey County is one of the most bird species-rich counties in California. MAS works almost entirely through volunteers to protect and celebrate these birds and nature of the greater Monterey Bay region through education, citizen science, and environmental advocacy.

Audubon members and other bird enthusiasts are encouraged to contribute to monitoring and conservation, including through the Snowy Plover Guardian Program, Black Oystercatcher Monitoring Project, Point Pinos Seawatch Project, and Seaside Heermann’s Gull Protection efforts.

IBCP is also delighted to join together with Susie Bauer at Mopane, a fair-trade shop in Carmel’s Crossroads that supports Elephant Havens, a Botswana-based organization that works to protect African elephants, as well as local non-profit organizations in Monterey County. Mopane distributes the entirety of its profits monthly, giving half to Elephant Havens and the other half to a local non-profit. IBCP and Mopane share a passion for celebrating wildlife and contributing to conservation, and IBCP is grateful to be sponsored by Mopane for the month of January. What a great way to ring in the New Year!

Featured on the back cover of the calendar, the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is an uncommon migrant in Monterey County that may be seen at Elkorn Slough, Lake San Antonio, and Carmel River State Beach, among other areas; Osprey likely nested in Monterey County in the past, before the drainage of 90% of the Salinas Valley wetlands for conversion to agriculture.


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